Thursday 23 October 2014

5 Reasons Why Your Website Must Responsive Design

5 Reasons Why Your Website Must Responsive Design
5 Reasons Why Your Website Must Responsive

An attractive website design changes to the site are used depending on the size of the screen. Limited slip, using pictures to automatically adjust the screen size automatically, and the final result is clean brand experience for the user.

To check if your site is responsive, open the site in a browser. Now click to minimize the window to continue to reduce the horizontal viewing angle. If you have a smooth moving images, text, and so on, this is an interesting design, and this is very important.

Do not just build and feel of the sites. This is supposed to survive, but now with smartphones, iPads and tablets to access a large part of the market of Internet users, it is now more important than ever to have a website that offers content based engines visitors.

1. People are using different devices
The days of anyone using a desktop computer with the same monitor size ended up at the bottom. Visitors to the mobile computer against completely different in their needs. Typically, someone looking for specific information on their mobile phones. A place to eat, phone numbers, directions, hotels, etc. You need information and they want it fast. When you make a purchase, you want to be quick and easy; No more clicking and confusing instructions.

2. Crunch numbers
Do you have a quarter of the global web searches performed on mobile devices, to get on board with the idea that the site displays correctly with your visitors. It is not, and that will leave your site.

3. Readable website
If you are on a small device such as a mobile phone or tablet for look the site, one size definitely. Do you have a website, like a small version of a regular website? It's so small! The text is too small, it is impossible to get around without a lot of scrolling from left to right, and is a major PITA? That visitors know when they see it? In order to leave.

It is an experience that you recommend? Want to buy something like this? Why do you want your visitors happy with this experience?

4. If your site makes visitors
The bottom line is that you can keep visitors on your site to buy, do, sign up with this link or what ever you want from them. If they leave your site, that's all.

5. Google loves Responsive website
As shown in this report, visitors will find it hard to leave with your site is down and find someone who is covered (Rox reaction!). In addition to this, consider the ease of use and Google will penalize your site if you do not have a phone function.

"To improve the search experience for smartphone users and overcome their weaknesses, we want to roll out a number of changes to the classification in the near future to a website design configured for smartphone users to talk about." Yoshikiyo Kato, Software Engineer, on behalf of Google Mobile Search Team.

So go look at your website design and find the answers. Is your site responsive?

Thursday 27 March 2014

Hal-Hal Yang Perlu Diperhatikan untuk Bali Web Design

bali web design | jasa pembuatan website
Bali Web Design

Di Indonesia, web design telah menjadi sebuah ajang untuk berkompetisi, pemilik bisnis yang ingin meraup keuntungan dari belanja via internet. Nah, jika Anda memiliki sebuah perusahaan dan Anda ingin memulai sebuah design yang bisa bersaing di pasar, perlu diperhatikan faktor-faktor berikut ini.

Tanda-tanda kunci dan kemungkinan kualifikasi
Indikasi utama untuk bali web design yang sukses adalah penggunaan konsumen. Menurut teori, mengartikan sebuah web berjalan jika lebih banyak pelanggan berkunjung ke situs dan menggunakan fitur-fiturnya. Mungkin alasannya karena konsumen hanya dapat memperoleh akses ke situs-situs tersebut dan menemukan apa yang mereka butuhkan dalam situs tersebut.

Iklan dan pemasaran, jumlah waktu online dan tipe pelanggan merupakan elemen penting dalam mendatangkan traffic pengguna web. Seorang pemilik website tidak bisa memulai sebuah situs web dengan begitu saja dan menganggap semua pelanggan untuk menggunakannya tanpa pemberitahuan sebelumnya. Ingat, iklan dan pemasaran sebagai fundamental dan pemberitahuan penting bagi klien untuk mengetahui apa yang terjadi.

Berapa lama sebuah situs web telah online. Pada kenyataannya, perusahaan jasa pembuatan website yang ternama harus tahu berapa waktu pengerjaan sebuah website sebelum semua orang dapat mulai mengunjunginya. Kondisi tertentu akan berlaku jika si pemilik website melakukan offline marketing pada media massa lainnya. Misalnya, melakukan kampanye melalui media televisi, radio dan media cetak untuk mendatangkan traffic yang besar dan potensial untuk situs web.

Segmen pelanggan memainkan peranan besar, karena waktu dan latar belakang akan mempengaruhi bagaimana konsumen menggunakan Internet. Jika audience yang ditargetkan terdiri dari orang dewasa dan orang tua, kemungkinan kecil untuk menggunakan web terlepas dari seberapa kuat desain web. Dalam segmen ini mungkin pengguna web merasa ragu-ragu untuk memulai dengan desain yang menjanjikan mungkin tidak cukup untuk membujuk mereka untuk ambil bagian dalam usaha berbasis web ini.

Faktor Pertimbangan
Di Indonesia, web design tergantung pada barang dan atau dukungan, gambar yang diproyeksikan juga target pasar. Katakanlah misalnya, perusahaan Anda ingin menarik kawula muda untuk membeli pasta gigi, maka harus diputuskan apa dan bagaimana pasar terbaik untuk memasarkan produk tersebut via web. Untuk melakukan ini, diperlukan cara tradisional dengan menggunakan gambar ayah, ibu dan dokter gigi , atau Anda dapat mencoba pendekatan yang berbeda seperti menggunakan video dan animasi. Dalam kedua kasus di atas, elemen-elemen ini tidak menjamin keberhasilan sebuah web, web design difokuskan pada harmoni.

Faktor Keseimbangan
Sebelumnya, banyak pengguna web tertarik dengan video dan animasi grafis. Kecenderungan itu berlanjut beberapa waktu sampai orang-orang mulai mencari ide baru. Ini disebut "lebih" menghadirkan fitur tambahan baru termasuk halaman komentar, papan doodle dan tombol keranjang belanja.

Sementara fungsi-fungsi tersebut menjadikan web menjadi lebih baik, pemilik web juga masih harus belajar tentang apa yang diperlukan untuk desain web mereka. Mungkin ini merupakan bagian yang paling sulit karena hal ini bukan merupakan suatu kesepakatan. Apa yang bisa berfungsi untuk salah satu situs web mungkin tidak secara otomatis bekerja untuk web lain .

Melakukan Penelitian Sendiri
Untuk mendapatkan ide tentang kemungkinan penambahan dan penyesuaian fitur ke situs web, akan jauh lebih baik jika memahami apa yang ada di Bali web design. Investigasi situs kompetitor adalah ide yang baik karena bisa memahami apa yang sudah berjalan sempurna dan apa yang perlu perbaikan. Mempelajari update pada design perusahaan juga berlaku untuk mengetahui tren web terbaru dan yang menggunakan website.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Know Better Quality Web Design Company

Web Design Melbourne (Pic :

Website plays an important role in business. It is always important to make sure that you buy. The best business web design to high-quality website company you hire should be able to design, implement and manage a website. The web designer should be ready to deliver. High quality website that meets your business objectives It is always important to check the background of the designer before. It clearly explains the requirements and expectations of the new site. Here is the best business web design quality.

Professional : It is always advisable to seek professional web design. Always offer high quality web sites that conform to industry standards. The company also must be qualified and trained staff, who will design and implement a Web site. It is important that you choose a company that has been in operation for a considerable period of time. This will ensure that he has the skills and knowledge to provide the service. You also have to be prepared to stick to deadlines and follow their instructions.

Good story : the best web design company should have good experience in the design and implementation of the site. They must have served many clients in the past with great success. Customers are willing to show his old. Expertise and professionalism, so you have testimonials from customers who read on their website. It is always advisable to choose. A logo design company with a good reputation in this industry, you can check out via various blogs or ask for recommendations from friends or family who have used this service.

Honesty : Honesty is an important characteristic of the best web design business. Employees should always make sure that they give a true and objective information . They also have to be honest about the time it takes for you to fill out his website. The company should also tell you if there is a delay in the process of design and implementation. You should always look for a company with a good reputation for sticking to deadlines and follow the instructions of the client. Original website design team should also be regularly informed about the progress of the project.

Affordable : The cost of the logo design should also be significantly lower. Should be the industry standard . You need the appropriate quotes from several companies looking to choose the best. This will ensure that you get the best price for the project. It is also important to ask for a discount on a wide range of businesses. New customers some discounts lines to ensure that they return to the site. Top Companies also must have a payment method that is reliable and secure. The web designer should allow you to pay a variety of studies have been conducted in the design process.

Here are web design Melbourne company in Australia.